最新訊息 NEWS :::::

強震保險損失 近350億美元
車險保費男高女低 歐洲法院:違法
投保住宅火災險 家電也安啦
三大住宅地震險 基本保費每日3.7元

強震滯日 可申請保險理賠
胰島素會外漏 嬌生急召回
台中夜店大火 國泰產險理賠千萬
Japan quake could turn market :
    Hannover Re

Insured losses from earthquake in Japan
    could hit $35 billion : AIR

Japan disaster may signal reinsurance
    market turn : Fitch

Tokyo nuclear facility has insurance
    through Chaucer syndicate but the perils
    of earthquake and tsunami specifically
    are excluded from that coverage

New Zealand quake may boost Asia-
    Pacific reinsurance prices


10656 台北市大安區復興南路一段368號9樓
9F, No.368, Sec. 1, Fusing S. Road, Taipei10656, Taiwan, R.O.C.


利德保險經紀人股份有限公司,版權所有.  © 2004 Alexander Leed Risk Services, Inc.
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